Financial Organization
An Essential Step: Organizing Your "Stuff"
The Team Approach to Successfully Navigate the Waters
Weathering Widowhood and Life Transitions
To transition gracefully due to illness, death, business transition, Smart Transition Strategies™ works with clients to create a history of your financial life and offer you guidance to navigate the waters going forward.
Whether contemplating a transition or thrust into one suddenly, can be difficult. Here are some steps I recommend:
- Store documents in a safe location, file in three-ring binder with tabs, or file cabinet, or safe deposit box or with a friend, or family member, possibly scanned to computer drive.
- Create, fund and protect an emergency account in the amount right for you.
- Become educated how your state's laws can affect the allocation of your assets and liabilities.
- Execute recommendations to establish separate credit.
- Be educated in family finances and be empowered to make educated financial decisions in the event of illness or death or life transition such as contemplation of retirement.
This financial education will assist in reducing the "unknown” as Smart Transition Strategies informs the widow of tools to enable individuals to get organized, work with the personal financial planner, set financial goals, evaluate cash flow, manage risk, control debt, invest wisely, reduce taxes and plan the estate and refer to well qualified professionals where necessary.
If the transition was sudden, the journey may include identification of assets, liabilities, accounts. After assisting with organizing your history of your financial life, we can move forward to the personal financial planning process.
During this process, be sure to take care of yourself and maintain your calendars of appointments, perhaps you are considering selling, buying, leasing, or making other life changes necessitating engaging professionals. Keep all passwords in secure location, at home, with friend or family member. Change your passwords periodically.
After the gathering and organizing, Smart Transition Strategies™ will analyze, present your personal financial plan and discuss options. The process is designed to empower you to make the decisions to move forward as soon as possible on your journey into the next chapter of your life.
Smart Transition Strategies™ empowers you with the knowledge to move forward with caring, clarity, and confidence. Contact me and let's meet one-on-one for your free consultation. The recommendations are individualized to your situation, your preferences, your abilities, your financial situation, your family. Take an active role in moving forward, in a cost effective way, to seek a strong financial plan for the future.